Learn how to channel and manage your desire to get it all done (perfectly) and why OPB is so common among women. Do you have Overachieving Personality Burnout? This personality type is a hallmark trait of women who hit the burnout wall (repeatedly). Also learn about the new direction I am taking with my work and the message you will be hearing more of here on the podcast. If you need immediate guidance with how to recover your energy with an Adrenal Fatigue diagnosis, my self study program is available for purchase offering a step-by-step process to regain your health and energy.
Welcome to the new addition to the podcast, Health Tip Friday. In this episode I'm talking about coffee! Should you kick it, or include it as part of a healthy lifestyle? Get the scoop on which answer is right for you.
Join the Double Your Energy Challenge: leanneoaten.com/burnoutbreakthrough
This is THE episode for you if you are working with a Functional or Naturopathic doctor, are taking heaps of supplements, are trying all the diets and detoxes, and you're frustrated that you're not getting better. We are talking about the mood-health connection, and how emotional stress is the #1 root cause for chronic health conditions and how you can start to turn it around by committing to your inner transformation and healing.
Get the 5 Day Adrenal Kick start leanneoaten.com/adrenalkickstart
Register for my Holistic Health e-News leanneoaten.com/tribe
Online self Study programs can be found on my website: leanneoaten.com
Follow me on Instagram @leanne.oaten
I am diving into this question in today's episode, "Is Adrenal Fatigue Real?" Learn:
Adrenal Fatigue Does Not Exist
Subscribe to my VIP list and get your welcome kit and email series: leanneoaten.com/tribe
Check out my New program, Activate
Follow me on Facebook and Instagram @leanneoaten
This is the audio version of the No More Diets Masterclass I taught for those who signed up for my Food Freedom Experience. In this episode we cover 4 primary Paradigm Shifts (changes your thinking) necessary to heal from Adrenal Fatigue and lose stubborn hormonal weight.
To get access to Part 1 of this workshop "Ending the Stress, Eat, Guilt, Shame Cycle" head to leanneoaten.com/nomorediets